Molto Bene is Italian for very good. Anyway, enough of the Italian lessons. The restaurant is in fact molto average. It does have a few benefits which make it worth visiting (for me at least).
1. It is the only restaurant in Krakow's Galeria Plaza (we are excluding MacDonald's of course which only counts as a fast food outlet in my book)
2. The view from the terrace isn't half bad (overlooking a modest-size lake and the building works which are constantly contributing to Krakow's urban sprawl).
3. The waitresses are kind of attractive
On my second visit to Molto Bene I pondered for a while over what to have. The choice of alcoholic beverage was easy enough; I was in a beer-drinking mood. For the main course I was nearly swayed towards pizza, but a 26cm pizza would have probably been too much to cope with on my own and I didn't have any containers with me. I try to avoid eating too much cheese anyway, it's just laden with calories. Tasty calories, truth be told, but calorie-laden nonetheless. I decided to have ribs, in a rather interesting-sounding Sicilian sauce.
The waitress took my order and soon returned with my beer, leaving me to contemplate the meaning of life, the universe and everything in peace will my ribs were being cooked/warmed up or whatever they do with them.
My beer was half empty (or half full for you optimists out there) by the time my meal arrived. Full marks for presentation. Yes, they had square plates. It's not easy to make ribs look attractive, but they just about managed to pull it off. I nearly took a photo, but I only had my camera phone with me, so it was quite easy to resist the urge. The ribs were, it must be said, excellent. The meat to bone ratio was the highest I'd ever encountered and the sauce was tasty enough. I'm not exactly sure what qualified it to be Sicilian sauce, maybe it was supplied by the Mafia Meat Sauce Company.
I must say that the rice at Molto Bene is near perfect. Neither overcooked nor over-salted. With the meal and beer safely tucked away in my stomach I paid up and left. Direction MacDonald's for dessert of some sort. In a slight beer-induced haze I found my way to MacD's, had a small chocolate milkshake paying with a fifty zloty note to generate some change for use at those other establishments where they always moan if you haven't got the right money.
The next challenge was finding the toilets. The signage was confusing. I managed to find them after a few circuits of the mall much to my great relief I was able to avail myself of the facilities.