I'm not a big lover or chilli in general. Being a true Brit I love bland food. So, Hot Chili was suggested by my friend as somewhere we could go for reasonably-priced Indian fare. The online pricelist showed various set menus that were indeed good value. Despite the threat of excessively spicy food I agreed and I met my dinner companion at Lenin's Head on the main square (it's not really Lenin's Head, it is in fact a sculpture of Eros).
The interior of the restaurant is pleasant enough (if a little cliched). Not exactly a big place, but not exactly small either (with an adjacent dining room). We took a table by the window where the light was better for taking photographs. On the wall opposite us a few cabinets displayed Indian products available for sale. This is a very good idea, Kraków seems to be a little short of "ethnic" shops generally.
The waitress took our orders. Fortunately this restaurant has the decency to ask you how hot your would like your food. Never being the adventurous type, I chose the tame version of Chicken Jalfrezi, complete with samosa, rice and naan bread. The samosa arrived first, beautifully presented on a small plate with a brightly coloured two-tone sauce. And jolly tasty it was too. It was also slightly stab-proof and I resorted to using my fingers to eat it rather than a knife and fork.
The main course was nice too. I used to be addicted to microwaveable Chicken Jalfrezi's and this was no better or no worse than those (let's face it microwaveable food is pretty good usually). I had asked for mild and that was just what I got. My dinner companion had asked for a medium-hot Chicken Tikka Masala. It was a little on the mild side too apparently. We suspect that the hotness scale has been adjusted for Polish palates.
Even though the food was pretty good I failed to finish my dinner (leaving only a scrap of naan bread). Next time I'll slip it into my pocket and take it home with me.