I'm not a fussy eater, but there are some foods that I just don't like (it's quite a short list that contains such things as marrow, melon and celery). Kasza (groats, buckwheat or millet) is one of those foods too. Occasionally, just occasionally, I have to retry these foods just to make sure I still don't like them. What better way to test my aversion to kasza than going to a restaurant dedicated to kasza (in its various forms).
Before I tell you how mediocre my meal was let me tell you how wonderful this place is. My dining companions seemed to have some great food which they really enjoyed. I just chose badly. Choosing badly is something of a speciality of mine. I deliberately avoided meals where the main component was kasza (much as I like taking risks, this was too much of a risk). Then I avoided anything with garlic. I regard garlic as cheating, anything (well almost anything) can taste nice if you add garlic. So, I ended up opting for ribs in a pear sauce, served with kasza (of the gryczana variety) and surówki (shredded vegetables).
When the food arrived I suspected that I could have chosen better. Their food was served on wooden trays with little holes for the various components of the meal. I was particularly jealous of my friend's millet with turkey. Yes, it had garlic too. That is why it smelled so goddamn good. And, according to them, tasted good too. I was also jealous of my friend and his apple crumble, but I decided not to have a dessert as after my fairly bland ribs and horrible kasza I didn't really have room.
Dobra Kasza Nasza (which translates to Our Good Groats) has a lovely interior. Lots of interesting different parts to the restaurants. Whether you're on a date, a business meeting or part of a large group (as we were) there is a place to suit. Next time I'm there the kasza with turkey has my name on it.