"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?" Yeah, bollocks. My recent bout of man flu certainly hadn't made me stronger. Even though I hadn't completely recovered, my sense of duty (i.e. eating my way round Kraków) and the gorgeous first day of Spring encouraged me to get off my death bed and go out into the real world.
With my addled brain it was difficult to decide where to eat, so I simply arranged to meet my dinner companion on the Rynek and we would decide when we got there. First "possible" locale for dinner was on Gołębia (Pigeon Street), where we toyed with the idea of having poutine. The menu was rather limited and seating was at counters only so we soon discarded that option.
Luckily we didn't have too far to go. Literally across the road we stumbled upon "Bordo". The place looked fairly nice and then prices of various "deals" advertised on boards outside the restaurant more than reasonable.
Inside wood features heavily the in restaurant's decor, it is subtly lit and quite a cosy place. Choosing the food proved difficult for me. I wasn't in a mood to eat anything. I decided to go against my usual vegetable-dodging principles and have a salad. A Greek salad to be precise. My companion opted for 'placki ziemnieczane z gulaszem' (potato 'pancakes' with goulash). Various financially-tempting lunch deals were on offer, but we chose not to partake.
Our meals and soft drinks (served in tiny 200ml measures) soon arrived. I soon picked my way through my Greek salad eating all the best bits (olives and lumps of cheese). I was pleased that the onions had just been layered on top of the salad and I was able to easily discard these. My dinner companion's food was equally well received.
The bill came. Around 43 zloty. Drinks accounted for almost half of it. And it's not as it we were drinking cocktails. We're just talking a couple of cokes and orange juices here. Like many restaurants (and indeed pubs) soft drinks is where they make their profits. I can't complain though. The food and service was good. I might have been able to enjoy it more if I hadn't been ill. Would I come again? Yes. Would I bring my own drinks? Probably