A picture paints a thousand words, or so it is said. Alas, I didn't take any photos, so I shall just have to write those words (nowhere near a thousand though).
The restaurant is located near Plac Inwalidów. It's an area I rarely go to. It's slightly run down and at the time I went there seemed to be students everywhere. Inside, Bistro Bococa is a very photogenic restaurant. Nicely lit, wooden tables and a clean, modern design. So, it's kind of a pity that I felt a bit self-conscious about taking photos. (checkout their Facebook page to see their photos)
The food was good too. I chose a rather odd dish. Spaghetti with tuna, anchovies and capers. It was served with a generous helping of parmesan. Capers and spaghetti aren't exactly a match made in heaven. Well, to be fair I didn't really know what capers are in Polish. Pretty stupid of me, I know. It was tasty enough and I was hungry after walking halfway across Kraków. All washed down with some freshly-squeezed orange juice. I look forward to my next visit here. Next time I'll choose something a little bit less risky and I might even be bold enough to take some photos.