A taste of home at the Dorsz
The Sunday roast (praise be unto it) has finally arrived in Kraków. Brought to you by the amiable folks at The Dorsz, their take on the English classic is giving me yet another reason to stay in Poland...
Recently I've been contemplating returning to the motherland (England), but all my little gripes about living in Kraków are gradually being eroded. For example, cider, when I first arrived in Poland you could only get it in a few restaurants or specialist shops. Now, thanks to Putin and Russia's apple embargo, you can get my beloved cider in pretty much any bar or restaurant (The Dorsz included). Fish and chips used to be a treat requiring a trip back to Blightly to get my fix. For heaven's sake, it's even been warm here (yes an unheard of 15 degrees in January). Damn it Kraków, it seems that you really, really want me to stay.
The Sunday roast (praise be unto it) may be a bit of an alien concept to most Poles, but hopefully some of them will want to try it. The key element of the roast dinner is the meat. I had the opportunity to sample both the beef and the lamb. They were both excellent. An excellent mint sauce was available for those people (like me) who like their meat to taste slightly "toothpastey". The Yorkshire puddings were very good (my dinner companion, a Yorkshire lass, and three other Brits can attest to that). The vegetables too were excellent. The potatoes (which looked rather obese chips) weren't as crispy as I would have liked, but that's a matter of personal taste.
The dessert was a revelation. So much so that I had it twice :) Apple crumble is a regular item on The Dorsz's menu. But this was special as it was served the traditional way with custard rather than the usual Dorsz offering with ice cream. Not just any custard, but absolutely fantastic custard.
Now that I can get a decent Sunday roast (praise be unto it) I might not have to go back to England ever again (sorry Mum).
Note that at the moment, Sunday dinners at the Dorsz need prior booking. Prices may vary according to the price of the excellent quality meat. (Anticipated price between 35 - 40 zloty).

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